We are grateful for the trust you have placed in the school to support Catholic education of your children. As members of the School and Parish community, families are encouraged to play an active role in educating our children by modelling servant leadership, building community, and offering support to each other through the Family Participation Program.
Families are asked to dedicate their time and talents in the various volunteer opportunities that comprise the Participation Program. Approximately 81% of the total volunteer opportunities include tasks and duties that are flexible and can be completed outside of regular school hours. The goal of the participation program is to involve as many of the SFdS families in the various events and activities throughout the school year, requiring a minimum commitment of 50 hours per family.
Please see the Participation Program Catalogue to learn more about the various activities and events in the school and parish community and where you may be interested in contributing.
All parents are responsible for tracking and accurately reporting their completed participation hours in the OnVolunteers system. Reported participation hours are subject to Activity Coordinators’ approval.
Please read the instructions on creating a family profile in the OnVolunteers system by reviewing the various guides: https://www.sfdsschool.ca/parents-portal/volunteering/pages/a-guide-to-using-on-volunteers
If you have any questions regarding the Family Participation Program or OnVolunteers, please contact us at [email protected].
Thank you for your support and commitment to the school and parish. We look forward to meeting you at one of the next events!
PEC Community Engagement Team