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Hello Parents and welcome back to the new school year.

We see that you are all keen on registering for your positions and they are filling up fast! Thank you for your eagerness!!!
As you may or may not know, all families have an obligation to participate in one (1) check mark activity, and to complete a total of 50 volunteer hours. In order to help everyone achieve their obligation, and to save overlap so that all families have the opportunity to do so, we have done something this year - all positions have been given categories.
Category A = a check mark + 50 hours
  • CATEGORY A positions provide you with your check mark and your 50 hours for the school year. If you are registered in a CATEGORY A position, all you need to do this school year is fulfill your assigned role for the year. We ask that you do not register for any other positions, so that they are available to the parents that need them.
Category B = a check mark + hours completed (eg. 10, 20 etc)
  • CATEGORY B positions also provide you with your check mark. The hours for these positions will vary, depending on the commitment for each position. We ask that you do not register for any other CATEGORY B positions, so that they are available to the parents that need them. To complete the remainder of your hour requirements, you can register in CATEGORY C positions.
Category C = hours only  
  • CATEGORY C positions provide you with hours only. These positions will help you complete your hours. If you still need a check mark, you need to be assigned to a CATEGORY A or registered in a CATEGORY B position.
If you have registered for more than one position in Category A and/or B, you will need to make a choice as to which one you will complete. We will be keeping an eye on the registrations throughout the year and contacting those families as we see an overlap, so we can make sure all families are covered. 
The catalogue available on the school website, shows which positions are in each category.  If you are ever unsure, or need assistance in registering for any of these positions, please reach out to us. Also, if you are interested in the assigned roles listed in the catalogue, please let us know by email at [email protected].
We look forward to having a great year with you all!