We are committed to the CISVA expectations as to how we prioritize admissions to our school. We use the following guidelines:
- Children presently enrolled in the school if they and their families meet the expectations of the school.
- Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practising Catholics and are active in the parish.
- Children whose families are practising Catholics active in the parish.
- Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practising Catholics active in other parishes.
- Children whose families are practising Catholics coming into the parish,who have been attending Catholic schools elsewhere.
- Children whose families are practising Catholics active in other parishes.
- Children whose families are either non-practising Catholics or not active in their parishes.
- Non-Catholics.
- *Siblings of non-Catholics cannot be given priority over Catholics. Addendum to Admissions Policy: (Revised June 2007) Placement at St. Francis de Sales will be based on the child’s needs as determined by the school’s assessment, in the best interests of the child. Parents’ views will be considered but are not determinative.
*Returning parents re-register in late January / early February. A week is usually given between receiving registration packages and the return date, at which time an adult must be present to submit the completed packages. Once we have processed all this information, we may be able to notify new families of potential openings. However, there is a strong possibility it will not be known until the end of the current school year if any spots will be available. Connecting with the office, and ensuring it has a current waitlist on file is always encouraged.
Parents are required to fill out a Wait List Form if they are interested in sending their child to St. Francis de Sales School. If space becomes available, they will be notified by the office as soon as possible, and a meeting will take place with the principal.