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What is Spirit Day?

Spirit Day is an annual one-day event designed for Grade 7 students of our Archdiocese! Presented by the Ministries and Outreach Office (M&O Office), it is a celebration of faith designed to awaken the Holy Spirit in young people and get them excited about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The event includes engaging, inspirational talks from APeX Ministries, praise & worship music, Holy Mass with our own Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB as well as skits and other fun bits created and performed by local youth and young adults.

Who can attend?

Spirit Day is open to Grade 7 students, especially those who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. Spirit Day is also exciting and relevant for the Adult Chaperones who will be accompanying the youth at the event.


This year's theme: "Eternal Victory"

This is based on the liturgy readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, which tell us that although Jesus has already fought the battle and won through his death and resurrection, we must still be ready for what comes next: eternal life. We are not alone in this victory, but have the saints and angels to protect and pray for us so that we can be united in heaven forever.